TAGS (Tuesday Afternoons with God and Snacks, yr 12)
We have a discipleship group for year 12, every Tuesday afternoon at 4pm. We hang out, eat snacks and dig into an inspiring book together that will help us grow on our journey of faith.
YR11 & 13:
We have plenty of fun events and road trips planned for this year. Contact us for more information and to get involved. Check out letters for some of our trips below.
For more information email youth@hbc.org.uk
We get involved with loads of fun events and activities together – check out what is coming up this year and get these dates into your diary:

Current Letters:
DTI Roadtrip:
On Sat Mar 9th we are heading to Manchester for the DTI Roadtrip. Check out the letter and let us know if you are interested in joining us! As always, if cost is stopping you coming we’d love to help. Just let us know in confidence.
The Weekend Away
We are excited to announce that we will be returning to Cefn Lea for our annual weekend away. As usual we will be joining with other church youth groups from across the Chester area for a weekend of fun, friends and Jesus. Check out the letters below and get signed up!
Dreaming The Impossible (DTI)
Check out the letter and consent form for Dreaming the Impossible – the absolute highlight of our year – don’t miss out. The sooner you book the cheaper it is! Also join us for the DTI roadtrip on the 9th Mar. Contact us at youth@hbc.org.uk for more info.