Andy is a 10 year old trapped inside the body of someone much older. He is yet to grow up and can usually be found with a big smile on his face. He has been in Chester for over 20 years – initially coming to study at Chester College and is still here. He has been working for HBC for over 14 years as a Children’s and Youth Community Worker which gives him the excuse to be very childish and get paid for it! He also works for Chester Schools Christian Work as a Primary Schools worker so spends most of his working life with 7-14 year olds.
Away from work Andy enjoys both playing and listening to music – his favourite instrument to play is the piano but as it’s not the most portable of instruments you’ll usually see him with a guitar or ukulele. He also enjoys walking, especially in the mountains or by the coast, walking dogs, he loves watching sports, as well as being an avid Dr Who fan (he still has the Tom Baker style scarf his mum knitted him when he was 7 and it is still one of his favourite possessions!) He is happiest when he is spending time with people he loves whether at work or play and is always open to an invite for coffee. 🙂